Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the LE2 and LE3 mod folders, copying each separate Engine.pcc file into the ME2 and ME3 CookedPCConsole folders.
This should be located in either SteamLibrary > steamapps > common > Mass Effect Legendary Edition > Game > ME1 > BioGame > CookedPCConsole for Steam or Origin Games > Mass Effect Legendary Edition > Game > ME1 > BioGame > CookedPCConsole on Origin.
Copy the Engine.pcc file to the Mass Effect 1 CookedPCConsole folder in the game folder.
Open the LE1 folder, open Enable In-Game Console for ME1 LE, open BASEGAME, and open CookedPCConsole.
Do not extract directly into the Mass Effect Legendary Edition folder. Extract the mod files to a separate folder.
Download the Enable In-Game Console mod from Nexus Mods.
To manually install Enable In-Game Console for Mass Effect Legendary Edition, players should follow the steps below: